Wrecked your iPhone X? Don’t Press the Panic Button!

Did you of late get a new iPhone Xs? Did you buy it right away after its release? Or did you wait for a couple of weeks after its launch to be a proud owner? No matter when you owned it up, you surely must have been thrilled to bits. And think of the excitement you gathered to try it out for the first time. Perhaps in a flutter, you mishandled it. And alas, it dropped on the hard floor by a twist of fate. Chances are, there’s damage incurred. Of course, it depends on the way it fell. Even though the screen of an iPhone is pretty resilient and the battery fairly robust, still the screen can give away some cracks or the battery a few signs of potential damage. Nevertheless, a device as sophisticated as an iPhone was made to be strong enough. But, when dropped or on becoming wet, it can also get loused up. Thankfully, you do have options that can come to your iPhone’s rescue. Here are some of them. Given that the warranty of your device still hasn’t lapsed, you can take i...